Stephanie L Livingston, PhD
Licensed Psychologist
Dr Livingston is now practicing in the following locations:
333 N Michigan Ave, Ste 1828, Chicago, IL 60601
613 Franklin St, 2nd fl., Michigan City, IN 46360
Telehealth Available
Dr. Livingston received her doctorate from Loyola University of Chicago in 1990 and did her internship training at The University of Chicago Hospitals, Pritzker School of Medicine, where she later served as assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry. She later became Director of Behavioral Medicine at The Diamond Headache Clinic. Dr. Livingston has been in full-time private practice for over twenty-five years and is an author. She is licensed in Indiana and Illinois and is a Senior Fellow through the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America.
Individual, Couples, Group
Theoretical Orientation
Cognitive-Behavioral and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Depression, Anxiety, Sexual Dysfunction, Psychosomatic, Performance
Behavioral Management
Pain, Stress, Weight Control, Smoking Cessation, Insomnia, Hypertension, Anger, Assertiveness
Consultation & Evaluation
Pre-surgical (chronic pain, bariatric, cosmetic), Expert Witness Testimony, Disability Determination
Psychological Testing
Personality, Career, Pre-surgical evaluations, Intelligence, Memory Screening, Adult ADD/ADHD
Biofeedback (EMG, Thermal), Heart Rate Variability
Peak Performance Training
Talents—Sports and Entertainment/Work—Business and Education/Well-being—Health and Social Skills
Hours by appointment